Re:connect with your Climate-X peers

We’re rallying all Climate-X innovators. It’s time to turn your Sprint experience into a new way of being. You can do that by embedding your new connections, insights and skills into your everyday lives. And we’re going to make it easy and fun. Join for Re:connect .

Thursday 1 August | 4-6pm
Vector Corporate Office 101 Carlton Gore Rd, Newmarket, Auckland 1023

At this session where you’ll :

  • catch up with your climate-action peers
  • share your experience with people who ‘get it’
  • find out more about the Mentor and Measure series
  • hear about the next steps and opportunities with Climate-X.

Please RSVP here – we look forward to seeing you again. After all, it’s staying connected and ‘on the court’ that ensures the moments we shared actually change the world.

Reconnect with Climate-X

New way to
make a difference

Climate-X and our programmes are laid out so you can find a place or role that works for your skills, passion and where you are on your innovation journey.

Begin, learn, participate…