Stepping up, Deepen the innovation process

Climate-X Programme

Our world is set to change. The next chapter will have its challenges and opportunities. Louis Pasteur coined the phrase “Fortune favours the prepared.”

Building the skills, talent, models and solutions will set individuals and businesses apart over the next decade. So to honour Louis, we favour being prepared. The Climate-X Sprint is about working together. Creating connections, testing ideas and creating opportunities in the real world.

Climate-X Orientation


Align, Connect

4-8 Individuals from 3 or more organisations who are committed to a core proposition (problem and solution)

Climate-X Sprint


Startup, Prototype, Build

Pitch your idea, collect your team, then test, prove and build the Minimum Viable Proposition (MVP) out as far as you and you team can.

Climate-X Mentor and Measure


Grow, Deliver

Take your team and prototype into the world with an ongoing incubation program. You'll have accountability and real support. Make a difference.

How it works

Climate-X brings together a fast-paced, startup mindset, powerful influence, robust systems and intelligent, collaborative action. The Programme builds on the lessons from startup weekend style events and deepens the tried and tested approach of bringing talented people together to validate and build out an idea. What’s different about Climate-X is that we are putting as much effort into the pre-planning and post-event work as we are into the event itself. It will help curate talent and create real momentum. Get set for success

Connect People and Align Ideas


Climate-X Orientation

Climate-X Orientation events will introduce you to the goals, vision and methods of Climate-X. And you’re invited to get in amongst it. During these sessions, participants will gain an understanding of the goals, vision and methods and learn about key concepts behind the Climate-X innovation process. Climate-X Orientation events connect the shared commitment and help form ideas that will be taken into the Climate-X Sprint.

Innovate, Prototype and Build


Climate-X Sprint

A focused three-day sprint is where teams will put your ideas into an innovation process of modelling, prototyping, rapid testing and iteration. It’s a proven format of fast-paced development cycles over 50 hours. First-class mentors and experts will be on-hand to help.

Day One

Find and Form

Gather your Team
Define your Idea

Day Two

Validate and Build

Test Assumptions
Develop Proposition

Day Three

Perfect and Pitch

Present the Prototype
Dazzle the Judges 🙂

Who gives a damn about the planet? We do!

Startup. Prototype. Build. Change the Game

The Climate-X three-day sprint is your chance to put ideas into an innovation process of modelling, prototyping, rapid testing and iteration. It’s a proven format of fast-paced development cycles over 50 hours. Wherever you start, this Sprint will take you to the next step. Together, we’ll go further.

Startup and Innovation

Models, skills and methods for prototyping and delivering innovation

Explore Climate Levers

What needs to shift and how to shift the things that matter

Like minds in action

Meet those people who share the aspiration, talent and will to make a difference.

Develop your innovation

You’ll learn about AND experience start-up, and getting things done with others. First-class mentors and experts will be on-hand to help you with the process and identify carbon levers that will make the biggest impact.

Day One

Find and Form

Gather your Team
Define your Idea
By the end of the first day, you will have gathered a team around a promising concept, put down some details, and made a plan of who’s doing what to make the sprint a success.

Buckle in!

Beginning with open mic pitches, the first day starts with innovators bringing their best ideas to the floor. The leading concepts will inspire others to get into a team and make them a reality.

Throughout the afternoon and evening, you’ll get tips about how to make your pitch and gather a team – skills that you’ll use far beyond this programme! You’ll also be equipped to sort out roles within your team, manage Kanban processes, your business model canvas and more.

By the end of the first day, you’ll have gathered a bunch of like-minded people who are ready to do more than just sit on the side-lines of climate change. These people may well become your most valuable contacts for the next stage in your career and impact.

Day Two

Validate and Build

Test Assumptions
Develop Proposition

Develop your Impact

On Day Two, teams focus on model development, validation, practicing LEAN Startup Methodologies and building a minimal viable proposition. There’s not a moment to lose. You’ll be surrounded by support and information so that you can get where you need to go.

Experienced innovation and business mentors will wrap around you to ensure you have great frameworks to plan, and challenge your thinking. Climate Experts will also be available to direct you on specific technical challenges.

During the event, a series of micro workshops will ensure your learning is one step ahead of the progress you need to make.

Teamwork: Working together when you’re under pressure
Leadership: From in front and within
Validation: Choosing questions that count
Channels: Identifying the best channels and people for real cut-through
Your Market: Finding and fitting

Day Three

Perfect and Pitch

Present the Prototype
Dazzle the Judges 🙂

Package and Present

On day three, you’ll be amazed at how much you can continue to refine and develop your idea. You’ll have meaningful, fluid discussions that lead to new opportunities and greater focus.

Once again, your mentors will be there to make sure nothing gets in your way. They’ll be able to talk about commercialisation, help you get things done and direct you to the right technical experts.

The micro-workshops will continue to equip you with start-up skills that you’ll keep for life:

  • Impact: Identifying your impact early and hitting targets that matter
  • Business Model: Delivering what counts
  • Partners and Funding: Leveraging value
  • Landing the win : What judges notice when the competition is tough

On the final evening your team will demo your prototype and receive feedback from a panel of judges. Their experience will help you review results, pinpoint lessons learned, and share the best discoveries. You’ll leave knowing the next steps you need to take on your road to success.

Viable ideas will have an opportunity to go through the 90-day Mentor and Measure series. It will help teams set targets and then progress towards them while staying accountable.

The Climate-X Sprint is all about triggering a wave of new shared energy to create new and important solutions. To meet the challenges we face, we must bring together people from different industries and disciplines who can work hard with creative spirit and shared mission.

Imagine being surrounded by like-minded individuals who have come to learn, collaborate and contribute as much as you. It’s simply impossible to finish without something special. In addition, by merely working under pressure with your team, you’ll build a bond that will extend way beyond the Sprint. It’s nurturing this kind of strength that will power us to change the planet’s future.

Winners of the Sprint

and Notable mentions move on to CX Mentor and Measure

Develop and Realise


Climate-X Mentor and Measure Series

Ideas that succeed will have mentoring through regular sessions. The aim is to get them to a viable, scalable state as soon as possible. The Mentor and Measure series enables successful teams to have regular mentoring sessions to get them to a viable, scalable state.

Live Ventures

Create and fine tune

Innovation Initiatives

Ventures can go on to find funding and partners
As venture and talent emerges from Climate-X, we work to connect talent and teams with the wider Climate-X network. Many of the organisations that are a part of Climate-X are looking to solve problems in partnership with new thinking.