Roles and ways to Participate


Climate-X and our programs are laid out so you can find a place or role that works for your skills, passion and where you are on your innovation journey.

Teams of


4-8 Individuals from 3 or more organisations who are committed to a core proposition (problem and solution)

Business and Startup

Team members with commercial capability

Domain Expertise

Team members with expertise or capability in the project area.



The role exists to…

Show up and give a damn, care enough to do something that makes a difference. Participants are the ones who turn the ideas into reality: ideas in themselves will not solve the problems, they need someone to take the leap. 

We are looking for those that have the spirit and talent to engage with the issues of our times. We are a fast growing collective that is engaging with the technical, social and commercial issues of carbon and climate and committed to developing and deploying real projects.

The sorts of things…

Working with a group of peers, participants rapidly distil down options into proposed solutions. They experiment and learn throughout the event . Participants can expect to be involved in the full range of innovation startup process and thinking.

Success looks like…

Many ideas, distilled to a few ideas, ideas tested through to execution by the teams resulting in meaningful and measurable change in the world.

What’s in it for you…

There aren’t many opportunities quite like this experience to grow as a person both from the experience and the learnings gained as a cohort. At times uncomfortable and challenging, you’ll find that you are capable of far more than you thought. You will have the opportunity to develop further capacity and resilience. And, lets not forget, this planet will not fix itself: if you care about the present and even more about the future you can be part of turning vague ideas into real solutions for a critical problem.

A few more details…

Teams will be small enough to remain in close collaborative alignment but not so small as to suffer from lack of capacity to deliver. Teams are supported and challenged by mentors who will help hold up a mirror to your team, who care enough to not let you get away with the easy option, who won’t duck the challenging conversations or the hard questions. They will help provide the heat of your forge from which you’ll shape your ideas into reality. Successful teams have a mix of skills such as: Designer, Comms, Research/Analysis, Business Delivery, Carbon Expertise, and some kind to Team Wrangler/Project Manager to keep the focus.

Climate-X People

I am committed to better sustainable living habits.

Agricultural emissions