Join us as an expert and an innovator

Are you someone who can turn the ideas into reality? Are you ready to do things differently and push beyond conventional wisdom? Do you know your stuff when it comes to sustainability, carbon and climate?

We’re seeking domain experts who are ready to participate in Climate-X as Innovators. You’ll know that ideas alone don’t solve the problems; someone needs to refine them, test them and bring them to life. The Climate-X programme is your opportunity to do this.

You may work in sustainability, have science and technology expertise, or understand the systems like production methods or organisational needs. These are just a start. Getting involved in a Climate-X is a way to amplify what you know and bring it to the world.

Execution is the difference between an idea and real innovation

Climate-X gives you the environment and support to lean in, adapt and persevere. We’ve evolved the start-up approach and combined it with leadership technologies, a powerful network and passion. We’re here to nurture systemic environmental change from the grassroots.

You'll be supported and challenged by experienced mentors. They won't duck the challenging conversations or hard questions, and they'll care about your success. You could say, they'll be the heat of your forge that shapes your ideas into reality.

You'll develop your ideas, and yourself

There aren’t many opportunities quite like this. You'll grow as a person both from the experience, and the learnings gained as a cohort. At times it might be uncomfortable and challenging, but you’ll find that you are capable of far more than you thought. You will have the opportunity to develop further capacity and resilience.

Innovation never happens in a vacuum. Instead of viewing collaboration as a challenge, real innovators see it as an opportunity to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.

Working with a group of peers, you’ll rapidly distil down options into proposed solutions. The Programme will allow you to experiment and learn. Teams will be small enough to remain in close collaborative alignment, but not so small as to suffer from lack of capacity to deliver.

Let's not forget; the plight of the planet won't wait

If you care about the present and even more about the future, Climate-X lets you be part of turning ideas into real solutions for a critical problem. If you're looking for like-minded souls who are committed to take action and follow through, then this just might be your tribe.

Sign up to the Climate-X programme to tell us a bit more about yourself. We’ll be in touch to explain more about how it works and to get you on board.

White neon wallpaper
Photographer: Austin Chan | Source: Unsplash

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New way to
make a difference

Climate-X and our programmes are laid out so you can find a place or role that works for your skills, passion and where you are on your innovation journey.

Begin, learn, participate…