Dr Simon Divecha, Climate-X Judge

Dr. Simon Divecha has been addressing climate change and sustainability for three decades. He's both an award-winning academic, and a highly sought-after international consultant for all things related to climate change, carbon management and sustainability.

"I've been part of global organisations that have attempted to address climate change at a global level as well as trying to implement solutions at a local scale. What's different now is the world has changed."

"We’ve moved from climate change being something important we address to it being a human imperative. We’ve known the technical solutions for two or three decades but this is essentially a human problem. By which I mean it is as much about individuals’ cares and values and our societies' way of acting as it is about money, profitability, business models and government policies. "

Simon's impact

Based in Australia, Simon established and now runs Adelaide University's Business School Carbon Management program. Alongside this, he continues to explore climate change implications for individuals, organisations and cities. Simon’s work runs across environmental, social, community and business issues. He has considerable experience in identifying opportunities for collaboration and change at the local, regional and global levels.

You don’t solve a problem with the same level of thinking that created it.

"We're in the middle of a transformation," he says. "Climate change is a global problem that requires a collaborative solution, hence the reason it makes sense to put 60 people in a room at an event like this. We need everyone. We need to work with people from different sectors and with different experience. "

"As a mentor, the key is to value those different perspectives without creating perspective gridlock. You have to ask questions to move people, not exclude them, and draw from the collective intelligence of the group to increase creativity and innovation. That’s how something new and exciting emerges. "

The X-Factor

"There are four things we’re looking for as judges and they’re all equally weighted."

Validation: Can you show research and how you've enrolled individuals, organisations, networks and experts in support of your idea and model?

Business Model: What measures and metrics will help you show how your idea is doable, sustainable, scalable and financially sound?

Impact Model: What is the primary and secondary impact on climate, carbon or environment, expressed in units against a multiplier? What unintended consequences may occur?

Proposition: How are you designing, pitching and communicating your idea so that its compelling and resonates?

Ideas aren't everything

"I want everyone to leave here with the capacity to add value to conversations about climate change in the future. The ideas are less important than the value that is being created. I hope people go back to their organisations and their day jobs and their interactions everyday with a new perspective, a new way of making sense of this massive problem that most people struggle with because it’s just too big."

Dr Simon Divecha

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