Make sure you don’t miss the final Climate-X Orientation before July’s Sprint

Wish you could do something about climate change? Climate-X wants you to help make a big impact, starting with a small step. Wednesday 26 June is your chance to join us at the final Climate-X Orientation before July’s 3-Day Sprint. Deloitte will host us at their 80 Queen St office, from 4-6pm.

You’ll enjoy inspiring talks, innovative ideas and engaging conversations. The Orientation event will also introduce you to the goals, vision and methods of Climate-X.

At the core of Climate-X is the premise that when it comes to innovation, business as usual can be limiting. So, the Climate Leaders Coalition is backing Climate-X to support ideas that can disrupt things for the better.

You can look forward to leaving with new plans, new ideas, new learnings and new connections.

Attendance is free but you must register. Tickets available at Climate-X/events

step up for climate change
Photographer: Nadine Shaabana | Source: Unsplash

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New way to
make a difference

Climate-X and our programmes are laid out so you can find a place or role that works for your skills, passion and where you are on your innovation journey.

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